Rotary Club of Rutland


Guests: Robyn Schmitt, new development director at Parent Child Center, guest of Caprice Hover; Nicole Dinsmore, Parks and Recreation Dept., guest of Kwame Dankwa; Peter O’Brien, NBT Bank, visiting from Granville, NY; Liz Weinmann, guest of Dick Rohe; Jim Watson and Kelli Baker, guests of President Watson; and Leni Preston, speaker and guest of Bates Childress

Pop Quiz:  Michael Coppinger opened with the question “How many drops in a bottle of Tabasco Sauce?” Table that came closest gets a free 30 second brag each.  Answer was 720.  Closest table guessed 681.  Jen Usher bragged about a great weekend; Jack Facey bragged about having 42 family reunion participants for dinner the other night on Cape Cod; Kevin Loso bragged about his step-son’s dog becoming his new best friend; Caprice bragged that she’s approaching 30 years in human service and the Parent Child Center is also approaching its 30th anniversary; Maria bragged that she hopes she has something big to brag about next week; Andrea Coppola bragged that she only has 18 days left until she’s an empty nester; and George Ambrose bragged that last week marked the arrival of his 17th grandchild AND his 7th great-grandchild.

Brags/Fines:  Mike Coppinger

  • Tom Donahue and Bill Drummond were fined for stealing downstairs table cloths to make their (boldly checked) shirts, George questioned if that indicated that they had a checkered past.
  • Bill Drummond bragged that he attend Red Sox games over the weekend.
  • Elias Hajj bragged that he went to Vegas, where it would seem that the toilet seat was the highlight of his trip.
  • Tom Donahue bragged that 35 restaurants have signed up for Winter in August (Tuesday, August 12); and that his daughter is expecting his 4th granddaughter.
  • Catherine Nelson bragged that her son was featured on the cover of the Sunday Rutland Herald (no thanks to her); and that the Coolidge Foundation had its gala over the weekend and they gave away a $2,000 scholarship.
  • Chris Keyser shot a 76 over the weekend.
  • Lainnie LaCroix shared that her daughter got married – a three day extravaganza.
  • George Ambrose told us that Rutland Youth Theater was written up in the Rutland Herald; has sold his 40 tickets, and 8 more since then.
  • Caprice loved hearing the Blue Jay Way with Satin & Steel.
  • Peter O’Brien wants a joint meeting with his Granville club because we are that much fun; and NBT is opening a branch in Rutland.
  • Krista Scarborough announced that if 4 people sign up for the Farmers Market she will not send out an email this week (thank you Maria Fish for being the fourth), and fined herself for getting a hefty speeding ticket.

Announcements from Members:

  • Winter in August – Bill Drummond taking sign-up sheet for waffles.
  • Mike Coppinger announced free movies on Tuesdays at 7pm – coming up: Jaws, Grease, Princess Bride.
  • Mike also reminded group to sign sheets of new members.

Announcements from President:

  • Turn your tickets in and get out there and sell more.

Raffle:  $33 in today’s pot, $433 in big pot.  Jim Watson pulled one of Mark Price’s tickets.  Mark picked the 9 of hearts.

We missed you: Dave Anderson, Paula Baker, Jeff Chabot, Sara DeLance, Barbara Giancola, Jeff Guevin, Robert G. Miller, Traci Moore, Terry Moran, Brian Perkins, Chuck Rose, Louis Scott, Dom Serino, Kirk Shields, Cale Shipman, Jeffrey Wennberg, Wendy Wilton

  • Andrea asked that you report make ups to her.

Rotary Moment: Bates Childress talked about how Rotary has made safe water one of its six areas of focus.  We normally think about this as a third world issue, but as article in Rotarian magazine points out, it is also an issue in the US with water shortages, water pollution.

Program: Leni Preston, PTSD Resource Center of Vermont

PTSD is not only experienced by soldiers returning from war, but also first responders, and victims of assault and childhood traumas.  Families are also affected.  The PTSD Resource Center located in Proctor treats all segments of this population.