Rotarians and residents of Shrewsbury scraped and painted on Saturday, June 1. The weather was perfect for painting and the local black flies gave a warm greeting. 700 sq. ft. were scraped, primed, and finish painted and addition 700 sq. ft. was scraped and primed. The entire front and one side of Pierce's Store in Shrewsbury now shows shiny white with new black trim around the windows. One more step in the restoration of the store and these efforts were remarked as splendid.
Rotarians and residents of Shrewsbury scraped and painted on Saturday, June 1. The weather was perfect for painting and the local black flies gave a warm greeting. 700 sq. ft. were scraped, primed, and finish painted and addition 700 sq. ft. was scraped and primed. The entire front and one side of Pierce's Store in Shrewsbury now shows shiny white with new black trim around the windows. One more step in the restoration of the store and these efforts were remarked as splendid.