Rotary Club of Rutland

Guests:            None

We Missed You:  [Need to get from Nancy]

Brags/Fines/Announcements:  Joe Rodolfy

-       Elias fined for newly married comment about Brian

-       Joe – daughter Sarah has been top sales person in CT, has added NYC to her territory

-       Tom –  Thursday, 10/29 Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Lt. Gov. Phil Scott will be speaker at Holiday Inn

-       George Ambrose fined himself for all of times he’s picked on Nick

-       Joan bragged about pheasant hunting with her 94 year old dad and husband and father-in-law

-       Bates announced College of St. Joseph Reunion this weekend and Alumni Scholarship Fund raffle tickets (Sold 20 – hope I sold a winner. Thank you!)

-       Catherine won $220 by betting on the Red Socks against the Yankees, Nick paid for Catherine

-       Wendy Wilton – 3rd weekend in a row of hiking

-       Gary Ladabouche – daughter is a freshman at RHS and on varsity cross country team, son’s hockey team won all four games

-       Will – attended Phantom Gourmet Food Fest and saw vendors selling products with his apple cider

-       Barb – shared her DNA heritage

-       George – told a lame joke

-       Amanda – son and daughter are hockey players, played in Montreal, kids had fun playing with Canadian kids despite language barrier

-       Joe – Recounted that his son got into fight in a Canadian game, not only didn’t get kicked out, but won game

-       Nick – told story of roving reporter who put him on the spot


9/16 – Nancy asked a couple to make up to improve

9/23 – [Need to get from Nancy]


-       Lou handed out article

-       Tom promoted library event

-       CHIPS scribe blew it!  Missed an announcement

-       Brian – leadership institute parts 1-3, cost is $75 for leadership skills

-       Jason Cable has accepted position in HR at Middlebury College, doesn’t want to leave club, working on some alternatives. 

-       Wendy mentioned that Jason is 3rd person that she knows who has moved to a new job in Addison County.  How can Rotary facilitate new job / new business in Rutland County? 

-       Board meeting Thursday, 10/10, noon at the Hampton Inn

-       Brian reiterated importance of attendance at lunch and events; recognizes multiple commitments on everyone’s part and knows everyone does their best, but participation is essential to Rotary’s success.

Raffle:  Elias won $26, pot over $300, didn’t pull Q

Bob Miller explained where raffle money goes, 1/3 – winner; 1/3 – club; 1/3 – big pot

Guest Speaker:          None

Rotary Moment:        October is vocation month.  Brian read president’s message from magazine.