Rotary Club of Rutland


Guests: Charlotte Willard Moncho(sp), Lilli (Stephanie Osgood’s daughter), Steve Moffiatt, CSC Hockey Coach, guest of Terry Moran. 

We Missed You: 

Brags/Fines:  Rich Carlson standing in for Joe

George Ambrose fined Brian for write up on club, and Tom paid fine for job well done; and got a tour of the Library.

Bates bragged that Maria Fish (a former CSJ trustee) won an iPad Mini in the CSJ Raffle

Nick thought of George when he read about Mo Berg who spoke 15+ languages, was an outstanding WWII spy and Yankee catcher.

Caprice Project Vision brag

Dick Rohe bragged that he received flyer for Rotary of Staten Island Raffle, despite errors.

Paula shared a story about her mother’s visit to China

Tina bragged about the Women’s Shelter grant, block party turnout, last meeting before maternity.

Stephanie thanked everyone for participating in Project Vision Event

Paula chamber mixer at library tomorrow evening

Dick Rohe winner of bike was in a wheelchair

Nicole told how to get tickets for Salon Day 11/9 benefitting Rut Cty Wom Net & Shelter, Shear Heavan.

Dick congratulated Jack for his negotiation with Garden Time


9/30 – Paula, no; Rich, not yet; Nicole, yes; Jack, yes; Jared, yes; Kevin, not yet; Traci, not here; Chuck not yet.


Club admin Thursday 5:30 at Kevin’s office, Templewood court

Board, Thurs Hampton inn, BYOL (lunch)

Rotary Moment – pocket guide to Rotary’s programs for young leaders



$28, ticket pulled by Lilli, won by Nancy, didn’t pull Queen of Hearts


Guest Speaker:

Steve Moffiatt, CSC Hockey Coach, guest of Terry Moran. 


Last Week (9/30)

We missed you: Paula Baker, Jason Cable, Rich Carlson, Jeff Chabot, Nicole, Jack Facey, Jared Galster, Caprice Hoover, Marianne Kennedy, Kevin Loso, Traci Moore, Stephanie Osgood, Dick Rohe, Chuck Rose, Krista Scarborough, Jacquelyn Williams.

Jack Facey, Caprice Hoover, Stephanie Osgood & Dick Rohe made up at the event Saturday.