Rotary Club of Rutland


Guests:  Will Gormley, potential member, friend of Brian Perkins


We Missed You:  Nick Carmolli, Jeff Chabot, Andrea Coppola, Bill Drummond, Nicole Fabian, Jared Galster, Elias Hajj, Joyce Hottenstein, Marianne Kennedy, Hull Maynard, Traci Moore, Terry Moran, Catherine Nelson, Stephanie Osgood, Steve Pelletier, Mark Price, Krista Scarborough, Jacquelyn Williams, Doug Wilson, Wendy Wilton


Notices:  None




Fines?  Tom fined Will for bringing his marketing class to the Mixer.


Brags, Joan bragging for Will, went to school with her son.  He gave him his shirt, when needed.


Brian, bragged about Facebook, GM table tennis club had a tournament, 30 players.  Brian and his fiancée did well.  Had 8 wins, two losses.


Tina finally sold all Girl Scout cookies


Caprice, bragging about Dr. Seuss event in Brandon, had 150 people.


George, bragged about Skylar, competed in one act play contest at MSJ.  Looking forward to next year.

George, bragged about Skylar, competed in one act play contest at MSJ.  Looking forward to next year.


Paula bragged about the fundraiser for the Library.


Joe went to Stowe to take application (work)—it was great skiing!


Jason has sold 14 raffle tickets so far—not usually his forte.


Toyota Corolla Raffle:


Committee Reports: 

·      Committee to Select Club location:  They checked the recommendations and verified capacity.  Lainnie prepared a spread sheet with the data.   Boiled down to the Palms and the Elks Club.  Both are available and can accommodate.  Will do a visit.  Hope to complete by next meeting.




·      Board meeting a week from this Thursday, in the morning at Hampton Inn.

·      Birthdays, Jarrod, Rich, Maria, Steve P.

·      Lou, announced engagement for current members.  Founds interesting articles in HBR regarding marketing.  Content is everything.  Say it creatively.    Say it with emotion.

·      Sat, April 27, Parent Child Center day for installation.  16 Chapel Ave.  19 Rotarians have signed up so far.

·      Ron Bower announced that he gave credit card to Lainnie—hoping that Victoria Secret charges do not appear.


Raffle:  Big pot is worth $1220 this week.  14 cards are left for choosing.  Dick Rowe won, but No luck on the big pot.


Guest Speaker:  Brian Perkins, presenting about insurance industry.  He represents primarily Nationwide Insurance.  Brian shared the key points of a recent article about the “new normal”.  The threat of national disasters is everywhere.  Things to do in advance:

1.     Install a generator for emergency power.

2.     Protect business records and inventory—consider a safe place.

3.     Review details of your insurance policies.  Homeowners, flood is excluded.  Requires a separate policy.  Generally no coverage for below grade.  Limit to $250K for structure.

4.     Establish a plan for communication.  List of contacts handy.  Suggest e-mail and cell phone.

5.     Create a plan for business continuity—or supposedly household continuity.

6.     Develop a list of property/inventory list.  Take pictures; keep receipts.  Keep it is a safe place.

7.     Build relationship with other like businesses—for business continuity.

8.     Consider in advance what you need to do to prepare—store anything that can “fly” and cause damage, for example.


Brian also noted that you cannot change your policy terms within 24 hours typically, of a major predicted storm event.  So try to be thoughtful about potential damages in advance.  Chris also added that you should make sure to leave propane tanks outside.  Do not bring them indoors—too dangerous.


Dick Rohe’s greatest concern is fire.  He is concerned about leaving home on vacation.  In addition, those he knows with that problem, have had horror stories with insurance claims