Rotary Club of Rutland

Guests: None

We Missed You:  Jason Cable, Rich Carlson, Tom Donahue, Maria Fish, Kate Fox, Jared Galster, Hoyce Hottenstien, Lainnie LaCroix, Gary Ladabouche, Hull Maynard, Stephanie Osgood, Krista Scarborough, Lou Scott, Jacquelyn Williams

Brags/Fines:  Joe Rodolfy

Will fined Bob Miller & Caprice for sandbagging him in a golf tournament and winning WSYB Christmas fund tournament.

Caprice bragged about a natural birdie

Wendy Wilton – 2 brags, ran 5K race which was the Spartan race course; and bragged for Krista who competed in actual race.

Brian – bragged about wedding, honeymoon; and is down 28 pounds since last August.

George Ambrose fined Nick for not wearing black armband

Mark Price - All three kids were home for the weekend for the first time since June.  His daughter, a junior at Burke Mountain Academy) was named to the USSA East RTG (regional training group).

Chris Keyser – complimented Reed for attending Rotary South event. 

Catherine – Youngest of 8 kids turns 21 next week and promised to pay for last year of college.  And then borrowed $20.

Bill Drummond – bragged on behalf of his son Craig, who is with Spartan Race.  They had 9,700 entrants from all over the world, plus spectators, which made for 26-30,000 attendance and a $2,000,000+ economic impact. 

Chuck Rose – came in first place in golf tournament.

Joe – bragged that Red Sox did not suck this season. 

Attendance:  Nancy reviewed September 9


Administration committee will be meeting in near future. 

George – meeting with city regarding park scheduled for October 4

Thank you letter received from Rutland Area Developmental Disabilities for $100 donation

9/30 Rotary district golf tournament in Manchester VT

Update on community service project for 10/5 – good number of sign ups, have most of items covered

Rotary Moment – Code of conduct

1.     Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities.

2.     Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary.

3.     Conduct all of my personal business and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others.

4.     Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings.

5.     Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society.

6.     Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in my community.

7.     Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rotarians.

8.     Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in business or professional relationship.


Terry Moran won raffle, did not pull Q

Guest Speaker:

Wendy Wilton – Presentation on her trip to China

Visited four cities in Hunan Province, a vacation area for China.  Recounted her visit to each city.   Amazed by wealth.  Great ethnic diversity, displayed beautiful clothing and stitch work.  Had a great slide show on iPad.

Really enjoyed meeting people, daughter’s friends.  Everyone wanted to practice English.

Will also do presentation at library with daughter.