Rotary Club of Rutland


Guests: Robyn Schmitt, new development director at Parent Child Center, guest of Caprice Hover; Nicole Dinsmore, Parks and Recreation Dept., guest of Kwame Dankwa; Brian Lalime, G.W. Savage guest of Nicole Fabian.  Carolyn Meub, guest speaker.


Brags/Fines:  Mike Coppinger

  • President Joan bragged about her birthday party presented by 97.1
  • Kwame Dankwa bragged about 97.1’s birthday bash
  • Cale Shipman bragged on his Cape Cod vacation
  • Jeff Guevin celebrated grandson’s bday
  • Chris Keyser had two baby granddaughters 36 hours apart!
  • Caprice Hover is going on vacation with host son Lucas and picking up new student
  • Jack Facey retired from Planning Commission after 20+ years
  • Bates Childress has transitioned into a consulting role at College of St. Joseph
  • Bob Miller went to San Diego
  • Krista Scarborough explained to an 8 year-old what Rotary is about and she’s coming to help with waffles at Winter in August on Tuesday

Member Announcements:

  • Will Gormly – Winter in August volunteers needed Tuesday
  • Krista Scarborough – Camaro will be in Depot Park during Winter in August
  • Caprice Hover reminded us about GW Savage tournament for Parent Child Center at Killington on Friday
  • Mike Coppinger told us there is a Board meeting at Hampton 12 noon Thursday

President’s Announcements:

  • Four weeks to sell tickets!!!

We missed you:  George Ambrose, Paula Baker, Rich Carlson, Jeff Chabot, Andrea Coppola, Sara DeLance, Tom Donohue, Bill Drummond, Maria Fish, Traci Moore, Terry Moran, Brian Perkins, Joe Rodolfy, Dick Rohe, Chuck Rose, Lou Scott, Winn Thomas,

Raffle:  $37 / $469

Carolyn Meub drew Barbara Giancola’s ticket for the small pot and Barbara did not pick the queen of hearts. 

Rotary Minute:  Mark Price

Guest Speaker: Past District Governor Carolyn Meub, ED of Pure Water

A retired dentist from Brattleboro visiting El Salvador realized that most patients were suffering from waterborne diseases.  Came back and locally started a water purification program.  Now spread to Honduras and Haiti.  3.4 million die each year due to impure water.  99% live in developing countries. 

Shared story of Honduran woman w/ 3 children, son sick for several days, carried him 15 miles to get treatment.  As much an education project as a physical one – teaching waste management, food handling, etc.  Group is guided by demand driven activities.