Rotary Club of Rutland

Chips November 30nd, 2015
Posted by Will on Nov. 30th, 2015
Guests and Speakers:
Jennifer Brandon DC – guest of Nicole F.
Courtney Peet – guest of Nicole F.
Betsy Bloomer – inducted today
Steve Costello – inducted today
Freddie Cannon – inducted today
Liz Bates – Boys and Girls Club
Larry Bayle – Boys and Girls Club and Rutland South Rotary
Jim Watson – Guest of Joan
Betty Russo – today’s speaker
Colie fined Mike C. for poaching one of her basketball coaches to use as the DJ for his wedding.
Tom Donahue bragged about the Tree Lugging Contest finalists. Mark P. Was in the running for his “giant tree over the shoulder” approach, but Elias took the prize for his “three tree” strategy
Terry Moran had an update on Castleton Hockey. The ladies team lost to Plattsburg (who is top ranked), but the Men’s team broke a streak by beating Western New England.
Terry also bragged about his brother Dan coming down from Calgary for Thanksgiving.
Krista played in her first Hockey away game, which was a tie
Will reminded folks to sign up for the Gift of Life Marathon Blood drive. He also discussed the tally system, which gives a point for each pint given, each referral pint given, each attempted pint, each volunteer hour, and each referral volunteer hour
Rich made a bad joke about not “needling” Elias after his efforts unloading the Christmas trees. So far we have sold 63 trees.
Rich also wanted to remind us that there are important shifts open and that we need to make an effort to be more attentive salespeople.
Tom Donahue announced that the Holiday Chamber Mixer will be on December 8th, from 5-7 at the Heritage Family Credit Union.
Kevin announced that next week we will be voting on our board and officers for the next fiscal year
Stephanie reminded us that Santa and his Elves will be at the Christmas tree stand the next two weekends from 11-2. Elves are needed… you know who you are.

Barbara Giancola won it, but pulled the Queen of Diamonds
New Member Induction
Freddy Cannon, Betsy Bloomer, and Steve Costello  were all inducted as new members into the club.
Freddy works for the Boys and Girls club in Brandon, and Betsy and Steve work at Green Mountain Power
Welcome to all of you!
Our Speaker today was Betty Russo who talked on behalf of Lyme Corps. Betty is a math teacher at Proctor, and also has a masters in Public Health. Lyme disease is the most common vector born disease in the United States. It is transferred to humans primarily by the black legged (deer) tick who are active in the Fall and Spring in the Northeastern U.S. In the past few years, incidence of tick bites and Lyme disease have been getting worse, and Rutland County has seen an increase in cases. Lyme disease is transferred to humans by bites from nymph and adult ticks. Generally the tick must be imbedded for 24-48 hours in order to put you at risk. Signs of Lyme disease include a bullseye shaped rash, headache, and fatigue, but can also lead to tissue damage. Preventative measures include wearing long sleeve clothing, and applying Deet based bug sprays to skin. Clothing can also be sprayed with Permethrin. If you have been bitten by a tick and are exhibiting symptoms contact your doctor immediately, who can then recommend a course of antibiotics. Be wary about taking the Will Gormly approach of popping a few Doxycycline pills every time you find a tick in you. Always consult a physician first.